Comfrey Relief Oil Infusion
Comfrey Relief Oil Infusion
Comfrey may bring great healing power to the body and may support inflammation.
It helps restore hydration and soothe dry, irritated skin.
It contains substances that can reduce inflammation from sprains, bruises, and other injuries.
It contains allantoin, which helps new skin cells grow. It stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage. It contains rosmarinic acid which helps reduce skin irritation and inflammation. It also contains tanin, an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and heal wounds.
These are a few reasons why comfrey infusion is also great for healing and repairing scars.
Comfrey should NOT be used on deep wounds, until they have thoroughly from the inside. Should NOT be taken internally. These products are for TOPICAL/EXTERNAL applications and use only. Glass blotte with dropper lid for easy application.
I do not treat, cure, or diagnose disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.